Author: Don Blankenship

The effort to get the truth out about what really happened at UBB this past month was significantly successful. However, there is much yet to be done. It’s obvious that Obama’s West Virginia Congressional delegation doesn’t want the truth to be known. More interesting is that they obviously know the real truth. Just ask yourself, if what I am saying about UBB and MSHA were not true would the politicians be responding the way they are? Would they be saying I have blood on my hands as Senator Manchin did? Would they be saying they were lied to about who…

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By David Rose Revelation: Professor Robert Stavins, said officials representing ‘all the main countries and regions of the world’ insisted on changes to the report A top US academic has dramatically revealed how government officials forced him to change a hugely influential scientific report on climate change to suit their own interests. Harvard professor Robert Stavins electrified the worldwide debate on climate change on Friday by sensationally publishing a letter online in which he spelled out the astonishing interference. He said the officials, representing ‘all the main countries and regions of the world’ insisted on the changes in a late-night…

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The documentary points out that the government insisted on changes in the directional flow of the air at UBB that resulted in a reduced volume of airflow. One reason suggested for the government requiring these changes was simply to demonstrate their authority over mine management. But there is possibly a somewhat less cynical explanation for the government actions. It has to do with the fact that some of the key Mine Safety and Health Administration personnel had extensive experience with long-wall mining in the Pittsburgh Seam but only limited long-wall experience in Central Appalachia where UBB was mining. Keep…

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Dear Senator Manchin: This month marked the 4th year anniversary of the UBB explosion which took the lives of 29 West Virginia miners. Several of you promised the families of the victims and all other miners that you would prevent such an explosion from “ever happening again.” A documentary was released on March 31st this year wherein experts explained that the gas which fueled the explosion was natural gas not coal gas (see for more information). The investigative reports produced by the government blame poor mining practices for allowing the explosion to occur. The Mine Safety and Health Administration…

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Associated Press GARY, Ind. (AP) — U.S. Steel has scaled back steelmaking at its massive northwestern Indiana mill because the ice-covered Great Lakes have cut off the mill’s access to vital iron ore. The company says in a letter to its customers that it has reduced production at the Gary Works complex’s blast furnaces and steelmaking due to “unprecedented ice conditions on the Great Lakes.” The Times of Munster reports ( that treacherous ice covering much of Lake Superior has prevented ships from hauling iron ore from Minnesota’s Iron Range to northwestern Indiana steel mills. The Gary Works complex is…

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Thousands now know and millions will soon know that the UBB explosion was fueled by natural gas. There seems to be no limit to how far the government, the politicians and most of the media will go and have gone to hide this basic of truths about the UBB accident. It’s not a theory that natural gas contains propane and ethane it is instead a scientific fact. The samples and analysis of the gas that came from the UBB mine at the time of the explosion contained ethane and propane. The samples were taken and analyzed by MSHA and their…

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Well, we will probably close out the coldest January in 100 years at the end of this week. Many will expect global warming deniers like myself to make a big deal of this as evidence that global warming is not occurring. Some will expect us to say that the earth’s temperatures aren’t rising but rather they are declining. Actually it is a fact that in recent years temperatures have been declining and that January has been very cold but that is not what Americans should focus on. Americans should instead simply see the global warming movement for what it is.…

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Source: The Australian YOU have to feel a touch of sympathy for the global warming scientists, journalists and other hangers-on aboard the Russian ship stuck in impenetrable ice in Antarctica, the mission they so confidently embarked on to establish solid evidence of melting ice caps resulting from climate change embarrassingly abandoned because the ice is, in fact, so impossibly thick. The aim of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, led by Chris Turney of the University of NSW, was to prove the East Antarctic ice sheet is melting. Its website spoke alarmingly of “an increasing body of evidence” showing “melting and collapse…

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Wind Farms: Interior Department sacrifices eagle protection for alternative energy An American bald eagle (Associated Press) By Stephen Dinan The Washington Times Friday, December 6, 2013 The Interior Department will finalize a rule Monday that would grant permits to let wind farms kill eagles for up to 30 years, six times longer than current permits allow. While acknowledging that the science is uncertain and standards on the best ways to reduce eagle deaths have not been implemented, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said the eagle population has remained steady for the past 40 years and that it’s worth testing…

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Larry Puccio asked Republicans whether they agree with my view that the West Virginia media is not helping fight for coal and coal miners. Larry doesn’t get it at all. You don’t have the only area of the world with declining coal production if your government, your media, your industry, and your business community all favor coal. The question I have for Larry is how many Republicans supported Obama? As to whether Republicans agree with my views on safety it doesn’t matter. Physics and chemistry agree with my views and while politicians can change manmade laws no politician from either…

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