Author: Don Blankenship

The Washington Examiner: By Editorial Writer | NOVEMBER 19, 2013 Environmental Protection Agency regulations have forced more than 100 coal plants to shut down… Environmental Protection Agency officials have stalled for two years on providing Congress and the American people with the scientific evidence — peer-reviewed studies, analytical papers and databases — that would justify regulations targeting the coal industry. The regulations have forced more than 100 coal plants to shut down, and have made it all but impossible to construct new coal-fired power plants despite rising energy demand. Since coal-fired plants generate nearly half of all the electricity used…

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The question has been asked of me by this newspaper whether I know Judge Thornsbury? They’ve also asked whether I’ve seen or sat with him at the Williamson restaurant “Starters?” and whether I have business relationships with him? The fact is I do know Judge Thornsbury. I also know other politically active Mingo Countians. I know Bill Davis, Hootie Smith, Michael Sparks, Sam Kapourales, David Baisden, John Mark Hubbard, Jerrod Fletcher, Harry Keith White, Truman Chafin, Dee Sidebottom, Johnny Fullen, Sheila Kessler, and most every other politically involved Mingo Countian. I don’t have any business dealings with any of them…

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It seems that every week there is more news of layoffs in the coal fields. An industry that was once the backbone of American industry and electricity supply has now been branded as dirty, evil and unnecessary. It doesn’t matter to the D.C. cuckoo’s that coal miners lose their jobs and Americans pay higher electric bills. What matters most to those in D.C. is that they brand themselves as living for the planet, supporting green energy, and as being forward thinkers. What better proof could you have that Washington D.C. is full of cuckoos than their belief that they can…

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October 25, 2013 – Washington, D.C. – Coal, natural gas, and oil accounted for 87 percent of global primary energy consumption in 2012, as the growth of worldwide energy use continued to slow due to the economic downturn, according to a new Vital Signs Online trend released by the Worldwatch Institute ( The relative weight of these energy sources keeps shifting, although only slightly. Natural gas increased its share of energy consumption from 23.8 to 23.9 percent during 2012, coal rose from 29.7 to 29.9 percent, and oil fell from 33.4 to 33.1 percent. The International Energy Agency predicts that…

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Coal region politicians – Mitch McConnell, Nick Rahall, and Joe Manchin – are again saying they want to stop the war on coal. They are out with their “decade old messages.” They say we need an energy policy, we need less stringent EPA regulations, and our country needs to use all electricity source fuels including coal. These three fellas have been in key political offices a combined 97 years. That’s just three years short of 100 years!! All of them have been in political offices since before 1995, and yet coal sales from Central Appalachia have declined by over 150…

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The below makes it clear that Washington is about party politics and self-interest and not about America and Americans. -Don Blankenship HARRY REID QUOTE ON RAISING THE DEBT CEILING IN 2006 “If my Republican friends believe that increasing our debt by almost $800 billion today and more than $3 trillion over the last five years is the right thing to do, they should be upfront about it. They should explain why they think more debt is good for the economy. How can the Republican majority in this Congress explain to their constituents that trillions of dollars in new debt is…

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Last week (October 17) I spoke for something like the 28th time at the Tug Valley Mine Institute. It was a humbling experience for me. I want to personally thank each and every one that attended. Many in the audience worked for and with me for many years. Others were there because they wanted to meet me for the first time. Perhaps others were there just to see what controversial things I might say. But the respect and sense of homage was on full display. Coal people are simply quality people. They want to work. They are proud. They are…

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Don, The book coming out about you this month is a book I, personally, can’t wait not to read. The only review I needed to see about it was on a Peace Corps website; the excerpt and personal attack was so far beneath what I understand to be the standards and spirit of the Peace Corps that it does not merit further discussion. The hypocrisy of the title is astonishing. To riff from the title, justice does have a price. I think many people who have accused you, belittled, judged, misjudged, and mocked you, fail to remember that you are…

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Most every country in the world, in one way or another, benefits from a strong, healthy America. All Americans, and in fact all the world, are stakeholders in our country. It is America, and Americans, who have led the world’s progress in the improvement of people’s quality of life. Consequently, we clearly owe it to ourselves, to our fellow Americans, and to all people of the world to sort out the facts and to base our positions on those facts. It is only in this way that we can continue to be the greatest country on this earth and to…

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